CONSECRATE THEM IN THE TRUTH A Pastoral Exhortation Against Fake News Brothers and sisters in Christ: A key dimension of Jesus’ mission was to preach the truth, and in His high priestly prayer, He prayed that His disciples might be consecrated in the truth. We, the Filipino nation, are…
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26 May 2017 Subject: Recent Violence in Marawi and the Imposition of Martial Law The recent terrorist attacks in Marawi City, not to mention so many other reports of ongoing violence in Mindanao, can only be a source of deep sadness. An annual gathering of the moderate Tablig-i Jema-ah was…
Comments closedThe restoration of the death penalty is one of the major legislative priorities of the Duterte administration. In this issue of Intersect Quick Facts, we present a timeline of the death penalty in the Philippines, interrogate myths about it, proffer alternative strategies, and cite organizations promoting restorative justice. Click the…
Comments closedAbout a year ago, on May 9, 2016, the Filipino people–or at least, 16 million of them, about 39 percent of the electorate–entrusted our nation to a strange shepherd. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte came to power promising to protect the innocent by spilling the blood of the guilty: criminals, especially…
Comments closedWith the resumption of sessions in the legislature in May, I expect to hear elucidation on the meaning of justice from the esteemed senators, especially as they prepare to tackle the bills that seek to reinstate the death penalty. The passage of such a bill in the House of Representatives…
Comments closedOn 28 April 2017, the latest book by veteran Catholic activist Bro. Karl Gaspar, CSsR was launched at the Loyola School of Theology, Ateneo de Manila University. Panagkutay: Anthropology and Theology Interfacing in Mindanao Uplands (The Lumad Homeland) is his third book to be published this year and chronicles his…
Leave a CommentThe address I remember best from my college graduation was from a man who had been dead five days. Archbishop Óscar Romero of San Salvador was assassinated while saying Mass on March 24, 1980. On Feb. 17, he had urged US President Jimmy Carter not to support El Salvador’s military…
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The Catholic Church and Duterte’s Deadly Drug Busting
In the last 10 months, over 9,000 Filipinos, mostly poor, have perished in circumstances believed to be associated with the government’s campaign against illegal drugs. More than a quarter of the killings have been carried out by police against an unusual number of drug suspects reported to have resisted apprehension.…