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ICSI Posts

What difference can a CBCP president make?

The Duterte administration has not had many polite things to say about the Catholic Church. Its rudest assaults on the Church have been triggered by Catholic criticism of its antidrug campaign, in which thousands of mostly poor suspects have been killed. For those Catholics who consider the defense of human…

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Do We Need Duterte’s Federalism and RevGov?​

JJCICSI gathered NGOs workers, academics, and community leaders ​on​ November 18, 2017 for a forum titled “Do We Need Duterte’s Federalism and RevGov?​” at the Walter Hogan Conference Hall, Ateneo de Manila University. The speakers were Atty. Christian S. Monsod, former member of the 1987 Constitutional Commission, and Dr. Ronald U. Mendoza,…

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Housing the Poor: The Challenge of Urbanization

INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS are a glaring manifestation of poverty and inequality amid the growth and prosperity brought by urbanization, the spatial concentration of diverse populations and economic activities. Meeting the housing need of informal settlers, who make up a significant proportion of the urban population, has been and remains a daunting…

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Charter Change and the Threats to Our Democratic Institutions

In one of the lectures featured in the Talakayang Alay sa Bayan (TALAB), a one-day event featuring lectures, workshops, and guided tours for the students and alumni of the Ateneo de Manila University held last October 14, Atty Christian S. Monsod spoke about the threats posed by charter change to…

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Off-city resettlement and climate change policy

Eight years ago, almost 80 percent of Metro Manila went under water after Tropical Storm “Ondoy” unloaded a month’s volume of rain in just six hours. Almost two million people were affected by the widespread flooding that killed hundreds, rendered thousands of families homeless, and caused a leptospirosis outbreak. Believing…

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