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No to Lowering the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility!

JJCICSI joins the Philippine Action for Youth Offenders (PAYO) and the Child Rights Network (CRN) in opposing the proposed lowering of the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR). Below is our position paper. [pdf-embedder url=””]

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Women in Especially Difficult Circumstances

The Magna Carta of Women, Republic Act (RA) 9710, is a comprehensive law that seeks to eliminate discrimination against women by recognizing, protecting, fulfilling, and promoting their rights. Enacted in 2009, the law is a domestic translation of the Philippines’ commitment to the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against…

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Why we need the National Land Use Act

These policy briefs prepared by JJCICSI for the Campaign for Land Use Policy (CLUP) Now! explain the urgency of passing a law that will ensure proper use of land for protection and rehabilitation of life-support systems, food security, safe settlements, and more efficient infrastructure systems. The NLUA Benefits All: A Policy Brief on…

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Laudato Si’ : On Care for Our Common Home

On June 18, noon time in Rome, Pope Francis released his eagerly anticipated encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si’, On Care for Our Common Home. Below is an outline of the structure of the encyclical: 1. What is Happening to Our Common Home (17-19) Pollution and Climate Change (20-26) The Issue of Water (27-31)…

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‘Reflect on the Pope’s visit to get his message’

By Raymund Luther B. Aquino BusinessWorld With Pope Francis expected to arrive in Rome early Tuesday morning Manila time, the urgent work that he has left behind for his flock in the Philippines now looms large, Archbishop of Manila Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle said on Monday. However, the country should be permitted…

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Has the country’s reported economic growth been inclusive?

In his 2013 and 2014 State of the Nation Address, President Benigno S. Aquino III highlighted the principle of “inclusive growth” as that which “drives every initiative, every action, and every decision of your government.” To this end, he maintains that the government has invested in providing widespread opportunities to all sectors, especially to the poor and marginalized groups.…

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Thanks and Goodbye to Fr. John J. Carroll, S.J.

Reposted from Fr. John J. Carroll (Father Jack) was born on January 16, 1924, entered the Society of Jesus on July 30, 1943, and was ordained on June 18, 1955. Throughout his many years of fruitful ministry, he has served in many capacities, among which are as a professor…

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