THE BEST Valentine’s Day gift I ever got was from a bunch of celibate men with crosses hanging from their necks. It was Feb. 14, 1986. The elections held seven days prior, upon which many had naively fixed hopes for an end to the dictatorship, were being stolen before the…
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DAVAO MAYOR and now “presidentiable” Rodrigo Duterte recently declared that he touched a woman because “the woman was really very, very beautiful that if you do not touch her, you will die.” He said he was just saving his life. If more men reasoned this way, women would be in…
Leave a CommentPity poor John the Baptist, patron saint of Quiapo Church, ever upstaged by the cousin whose swarthy image his church has hosted for 249 years. On no other day is he more forgotten than on Jan. 9, when the Black Nazarene draws millions into a rowdy procession, the traslación, that…
Leave a CommentFor two years now, the Roman Catholic Church has been having an internal but well-publicized conversation about Church teaching and pastoral practice for the family. Formalized in two meetings of the synod of bishops—one in October 2014, the other in October 2015—that conversation has exposed a bitter family feud within…
Leave a CommentThe constant newsfeed on mass and social media makes us vicarious victims of terror. Swamped by a spate of news-borne violence, I recently reached for a lifeline from a buoyant era of the Catholic Church: a document titled “Joy and Hope.” “Gaudium et Spes” (GS) was issued by the Second…
Leave a CommentAlong with other contentious contemporary issues tackled in the landmark three-week XIV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and the Contemporary World in October 2015, the topic of poverty and how it impacts families were high on…
Leave a CommentCALUMPIT, Bulacan, is one of the first places outside Manila that I came to know because it is my father’s hometown. I remember visiting Calumpit at least twice during the year when I was young: June 24 to celebrate the town fiesta and Nov. 1 to visit my grandfather’s grave.…
Leave a CommentThese policy briefs prepared by JJCICSI for the Campaign for Land Use Policy (CLUP) Now! explain the urgency of passing a law that will ensure proper use of land for protection and rehabilitation of life-support systems, food security, safe settlements, and more efficient infrastructure systems. The NLUA Benefits All: A Policy Brief on…
Leave a CommentThe Fast Food Theory of Homosexuality is a thesis popular among credulous segments of the Filipino population. Like most urban legends and conspiracy theories, it is built on at least one fact: that livestock and poultry used in fast foods are often fattened by feeding or injection with female hormones.…
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Musings of an ‘Edsa baby’
I was born exactly 30 days before Cory Aquino was sworn in as the president who would start the restoration of democracy after decades of tyranny. My mother told me she had wanted to go to Edsa, but she couldn’t for obvious reasons. I suspect, though, that faint-hearted that she…